Monday, September 30, 2019

Five Steps to a Five: AP English Language Essay

The three types of essays mentioned in â€Å"Five Steps to a Five: AP English Language† are analysis, argumentative, and synthesis. An analysis essay is complied of different parts, it explains how the many parts can come together to produce a complete result. To have an argumentative essay you must acknowledge what you are defending and have sufficient and accurate information to support your claim. A synthesis essay should contain the main points of compared and contrast, cause and effect, and analysis of the writer’s topic. An analysis essay must analyze the author’s point of view, rhetorical devices used to achieve his or her purpose, stylistic elements, tone, real or imagined experience, and a discussion. To ensure that these points are made, simple tasks are recommended; for example spending one to three minutes reading and working the prompt, five minutes reading and making marginal notes regarding the passage, ten minutes preparing to write, twenty minutes writing the essay, and three minutes proofreading. To write an argumentative essay you must understand the nature of the position taken in the prompt, taking a specific stand with the assertion, and clearly and logically supporting the writer’s claim. When given an excerpt or statement you must understand what the passage is stating, then ask yourself if you agree or disagree. When you have successfully decided, the next step is to find information to support your opinion. Helpful tasks that can be taken to ensure that your essay is a success are to spend one to three minutes reading and working on the prompt, three minutes deciding on a position, ten to twelve minutes writing your essay, and three minutes proofreading. To have a presentable synthesis essay the writer must be able to read critically, understand the text, analyze the texts, develop a position on a given topic and support the position it, incorporate outside sources into texts of the essay, and always cite sources used in the essay. Before writing the author must read all prompts, deconstruct the synthesis, read and annotate each of the given texts, and decide how you will address the synthesis prompt. The tasks recommended for a excellent essay is to spend five to six minutes going back to the texts and deciding which you will use in your essay, eight to ten minutes planning the support of your position, twenty minutes writing the essay, three to four minutes checking to make certain that you have included the minimum number of sources and correctly cited them all, and three minutes proofreading. Analysis, argumentative, and synthesis are all excellent forms of essays in which you can state your opinion and support it in different ways. Analysis will allow the writer to read through and discover the main points that is needed, argumentative is a more aggressive statement in which the writer may defend his or her position. Whereas the synthesis essay is a way for the writer to compare and contrast different positions.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The comparison of Ben Jonson`s The Alchemist

The comparison of two plays studied in the second semester of the BA English Studies degree This essay is going to look at two plays studied in the second semester of the BA English studies degree- Ben Jonson ‘s The Alchemist and John Webster ‘s The Duchess of Malfl. The essay is going to look at the context of both of these plays, considering that it has had influence on the plot of the plays. There will be a brief pr ©cis of the contents of plays given to be able to discuss differences and similarities of both plays and try to find reasons for them.The satire functions in both plays will also be revealed in this essay. The essay is going to look at satire functions trough different themes that are revealed in both plays such as greed, gender, sexuality, social disintegration and others. Looking at these themes will again refer to the context of the plays to show how important it was at the time when authors created their works and what role does it play nowadays when audience become acquainted with these plays. When looking at any work of literature, the context of the time period, when this piece of work had been created is very important.It tells the reader what was happening at the time and gives him the chance to comprehend how it ffected the work of authors. Both of discussed plays had been created in the seventeenth century which is the early modern period of Europe, therefore these plays have specific differences from the plays that had been created earlier. There are significances of modern literature distinguishable in these plays. Seventeenth century was the zenith of Renaissance and it has been reflected in both plays. There is Italian influence observed in these plays.It has affected the language of texts, the description of settings, character names and other components of plays. References of Italy, Italian and Latin languages are used in texts. An obvious example is the play The Duchess of Malfl which is situated in Italy, uses It alian names for characters and includes the Italian language in the text. ‘A number of important critical contributions over the last decade treat Webster's play as a post-Reformation phenomenon written during a more settled period of the established Anglcan Church.However, English Protestantism still found its identity in relation to the faith it had renounced, namely Catolicism, whose home was Italy where Webster sets The Duchess' (Lucky] 77). When looking at the context of the time, the economic and political conditions in he country are very important as well. The time when these two plays had been created was Jacobean England revealing a particular condition of the country. Satire on different themes in plays can be seen as a response to this condition. A twofold political crisis was looming. The financial needs of the crown, as inflation eroded the yield of crown lands, had increasingly through the sixteenth century to be met by parliament, and under James I the relation ship between crown and parliament was beginning to manitest the serious tensions that were to result in the civil war' Conson 9). Authors of the time were worried about the situation in the country and therefore they discussed issues related to important events in their works.Another reason why they wanted to talk about them was to inform people about what is happening in the country. As situation seemed not very comfortable for English people, authors decided to use satire to let the audience see the happening from aside. Sarcasm was also used to let the audience relax from usual stressful life and have a bit of laugh whilst enjoying the play, at the same time understanding that it reveals the situation of Jacobean England. Religious position of the country plays a big role as well. England was an officially Protestant country, the citizens of which were, by law, members of the Church of England. The Elizabethan religious settlement had, nevertheless, compromised on certain key iss ues of reform in order to accommodate those who might otherwise have been reluctant to accept the new religion, and also to forestall reprisals by the Catholic powers of Europe' Conson 9). As changes in the religious condition of England were going on, the Religion was a very common theme in Jacobean plays.Both of discussed plays include the theme of Religion. All of these current events and positions affected plays at the time because these are the things which interest the audience and makes plays popular. Nothing is more important for people than what is going on around them in their lives, therefore the context of the literature work is very important. The content of both plays is quite different but there can be themes found which are discussed in both plays. This again refers to the context of the time, because themes of plays completely depend on it.The Alchemist is a story about three of the play ‘s central characters, Face, Subtle and Dorothy, who have entered into a contract by which they agree to work together for their mutual benefit- achieving wealthiness for all of them. The scene is set for a comedy of fraudulent characters and their potential victims. As the plot develops the trio struggle to work together because they cannot control each of their desires. The trio ‘s unscrupulous activities stop when Lovewit, the master of the house unexpectedly comes back.The threesome then turn upon each other and the most accomplished trickster of all wins at the end. This is a great comedy satirising greed in Jacobean society. The comedy gives releasing ending by showing that the biggest fraudster of all wins. This is sarcasm on what happens in the real life. The Duchess of Malfl is a story of the widowed Duchess of Malfl who secretly marries her steward Antonio, despite the opposition of her brothers, Duke Ferdinand and the Cardinal.Bosola, a malcontent courtier, is hired by the brothers to discover the secret husband ‘s identity, but th e Duchess bears three children without anyone knowing who the father is. Later, the Duchess is imprisoned and eventually murdered, together with her maidservant Cariola and two of her children. Bosola, who has turned against the brothers, then kills the Ferdinand. The Duchess and the eldest child of Antonio survive and remain thinking about his maternal inheritance. This play is a study of revenge, unlike the comic plot of The Alchemist this is a tragic story with characters dying at the end.It seems like both of these plays are very different but looking closer, it appears that there are similarities in them. Both of the plays reveal present events of the time and both of them satirise these events, they show how England as a country was seen at the time. The most significant difference etween these two plays is the genre, one ot them is a comedy, the other- tragedy, but not taking that into account, the viewer can see that both authors have tried to address the audience in the sam e way, satirising the most common events of their lives in their plays.The reason of different plots of the plays is different standpoints of the authors, but the key ideas are displayed at the same way in both plays. Satire works in both of the plays through different themes. Authors use sarcasm to make plays more interesting and exciting, usually satirising domestic themes. One of the most common themes satirised in Jacobean plays was the greed. The financial situation in the country was unstable therefore everyone tried to get something better for themselves to provide their material status.People were ready to do everything to get something to hold on to and this was very often satirised in the plays. The Alchemist is a striking example of satirised greed in the play. The main aim of all the main characters of the play is to obtain infinite treasure and they are willing to undertake any obligations to reach their aim. Greed is also noticeable in The Duchess of Malfl, in characte rs Ferdinand and the Cardinal, because their action is the result of their greed when they confiscate the Duchess ‘s property and get her banished from the state of Ancona.This play shows the result of the greed when one of the brothers dies at the end, proving that plays not only satirise events but also enlightens viewers and teaches them to not allow the same mistakes as characters in the plays do. Another important theme satirised in The Duchess of Malfl is the status of women and the role of gender in the society. Woman in that period of the time was upposed to be submissive and calm, however, the Duchess went against her brother ‘s wishes and remarried, and this is the reason of the tragedy which would not happen if the Duchess would act like she was supposed to.The play shows that women at the time had no right to have their own point of view and act without coordinating with men; it also shows what happened if someone went against the assumed rules. Both of the p lays satirises the social class system in the Jacobean England. There are members of all social classes shown in the plays revealing the ndications of the social status. Sexuality is also satirised in plays, for example the character of Sir Epicure Mammon in The Alchemist who dreams of drinking the elixir of youth and enjoying fantastic sexual conquests.All of these satirised themes show what worried authors and the audience at the time. Looking at these plays nowadays helps the learner to understand the Jacobean time period in the history of England and see what affected plays at that time. Now the reader can also call together the history of England and nowadays, see what issues had affected English literature and ow it has formed. Looking at two plays from the Jacobean time period has shown that the context of the time has had the biggest influence on the playwrights and their work.Even though Jonson and Webster have created absolutely different plays, they seem to reveal the sam e ideas. Both of the plays satirise themes that had been important at the time and are still important nowadays. Authors used sarcasm to let the audience enjoy the play but also to educate viewers about the situation in the country. Playwrights revealed very important matters in their plays like social tatuses, roles of gender and sexuality, the greediness of people and others and this shows that the audience gets both, emotional and intellectual release when reading or watching these plays.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chemical Structures and Excipient Profile of Drugs

Chemical Structures and Excipient Profile of Drugs DRUG AND EXCIPIENT PROFILE CAFFEINE Chemical structure : Mol. Weight : Average: 194.1906 Melting point : 238  °C State : solid Water solubility : 2.16E+004 mg/L (at 25  °C) Half Life : 3 – 7 hours in geriatrics , 65 – 130 hours in pediatrics Protein Binding : Low protein binding (25 – 36%) Absorption : absorbed after oral and parenteral administration. The peak plasma level of caffeine ranges from 6 to 10mg/L and the mean time to reach peak concentration ranged from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Pharmacology : Caffeine is a naturally occurring xanthine derivative like theobromine and the bronchodilator theophylline. It is used as a CNS stimulant, mild diuretic, and respiratory stimulant (in neonates). Often combined with analgesics or with ergot alkaloids, caffeine is used to treat migraine and other types of headache. Over the counter, caffeine is used to treat drowsiness or mild water-weight gain. Mechanism of Action : Caffeine stimulates med ullary, vagal, vasomotor, and respiratory centers, promoting bradycardia, vasoconstriction, and increased respiratory rate. This action was previously believed to be due primarily to increased intracellular cyclic 3†²,5†²-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) following inhibition of phosphodiesterase, the enzyme that degrades cyclic AMP. Xanthines such as caffeine act as antagonists at adenosine-receptors within the plasma membrane of virtually every cell. As adenosine acts as an autocoid, inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic sites but augmenting the actions of nor epinephrine or angiotensin, antagonist of adenosine receptors promotes neurotransmitter release. This explains the stimulatory effects of caffeine. Blockage of the adenosine A1 receptor in the heart leads to the accelerated, pronounced â€Å"pounding† of the heart upon caffeine intake. Indication : For management of fatigue, orthostatic hypotension, and for the short term treatmen t of apnea of prematurity in neonates. Toxicity : LD 50 = 127 mg/kg (oral dose in mice) ERGOTAMINE Chemical structure : Mol. Weight : Average: 581.6615 Melting point : 213.5  °C State : solid state Water solubility : Slightly soluble Half Life : 2 hours Absorption : The bioavailability of sublingual ergotamine has not been determined. Pharmacology : Ergotamine is a vasoconstrictor and alpha adrenoreceptor antagonist. The pharmacology of ergotamine is extremely complex; some of its actions are unrelated to each other, and even mutually antagonistic. The drug has partial agonist and antagonist activity against tryptaminergic, dopaminergic and alpha adrenergic receptors depending upon the site, and is highly active uterine stimulant. It causes constriction of peripheral and cranial blood vessels and producing depression of central vasomotor centers. The pain of a migraine attack is due to increased amplitude of pulsations in the cranial arteries, especially the m eningeal branches of the external carotid artery. Ergotamine reduces extra cranial blood flow, causes a decline in the amplitude of pulsation in the cranial arteries, and decreases hyper perfusion of the territory of the basilar artery. It does not reduce cerebral hemispheric blood flow. Mechanism of Action : Ergotamine acts on migraine by one of the two proposed mechanisms: 1) activation of 5-HT 1D receptors located on intracranial blood vessels, including those on arteriole-venous anastomoses, leads to vasoconstriction, which correlates with the relief of migraine, and 2) Activation of 5-HT 1D receptors on sensory nerve endings of the trigeminal system which results in inhibition of pro-inflammatory neuropeptide release. Indication : For use as therapy to abort or prevent vascular type of headache, e.g., migraine, migraine variants, or so called â€Å"histaminic cephalalgia†. Toxicity : Signs of overexposure including irritation, nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrh ea, thirst, coldness of skin, pruritus, weak pulse, numbness, tingling of extremities, and confusion. CYCLIZINE

Friday, September 27, 2019

A short story or a poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A short story or a poem - Essay Example It was actually a fine day, which means when it was not particularly busy and we have some time for ourselves. I remember myself pushing some chairs, dragging them out of boredom and sheer laziness that they make some scraping sounds on the floor. I noted how, Mrs. Dory, an elderly regular and the only customer present, darted me piercing looks for annoying her fine breakfast. I ignored her entirely as I twiddled with some condiments on my hands, sending some caps down the floor in the process. Everyone was doing the same, on the counter Easton was still probably mooning over the past weekend, back at the kitchen the other guys must be asleep out of non-exhaustion, except probably with Marie, who were outside with her sun and reading her book. Needless to say, Tim was absent to cheer every one up. Just as Mrs. Dory was rising, perhaps to complain about my behavior, a woman was suddenly at the door. It was nothing much, really, except for the fact that there was only Mrs. Dory and I and the Easton visibly present. I was immediately jolted back from my troubles, out of my tantrums and, automatically, forced a smile on my face to welcome the newcomer. She was about 40, smallish - frail, if you may - and had the shock of black hair, which, now that I think about it, resembled the mop that framed Tims head. Anyway, she was making his way towards Easton, clutching a paper with her hand draped on her breast. The counter was close so I overheard her faint words. "Well, actually, theres no manager. Theres only the owner, Mr. Craig who comes here every so often to check on us. But if you have any message for him, I could just tell him or you can go back tomorrow afternoon. He will be here." There is really nothing like being told that someone close to you, of your own age and someone who have worked with you for a long time have died so suddenly. I, honestly, did not know what to say. Everything was like a blur and next thing I know she was gone and there was

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Relationships between Russia and Ukraine in the Gas Market Research Paper

Relationships between Russia and Ukraine in the Gas Market - Research Paper Example This paper offers a comprehensive review of relationship between Russia and Ukraine in the energy sector. The bilateral economic and political conflicts between two countries that relate to the decisions and actions in the gas sector are under the review There are numerous contributions political and social scientists, the media and politicians that appear to insist on the fact that Russia leverages its position in the gas market to alter the internal affairs of other sovereign states. They claim that these nations are so internally manipulated by Russia that their foreign policy matches the interests of Russia. It is argued, that Russia formulates its foreign policy in line with the capacity of its energy, which it uses as a weapon. Many articles claim that Russia exploits its position as an energy superpower to manipulate political decisions of other nations. To study the real economic and political motivations of Russia’s energy policy regarding Ukraine, there is the need to disregard the initial understanding the media and academicians that assert that Russia exploits its position regarding oil to realize its political goals There is a need to investigate the bilateral economic and political conflicts that relate to the decisions and actions in the gas sector. The pricing mechanism used by Russia has also been the source of several disputes between Ukraine and Russia, which manifested as 2006, 2009 and 2014 gas rows. The argument seems to rest on the issue of determining the correct price for gas.

Renewable energy disadvantages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Renewable energy disadvantages - Essay Example On the contrary, solar power produces little or no carbon emission. Its use will not affect the level of energy in the earth’s crust. Capentieri et al (1993, p.160) argues that it is very important to put into consideration technology used to convert renewable sources of energy to meaningful use. It is critical to carry a feasibility study then match with appropriate technology to covert the energy source. One other factor to consider before investing in renewable energy is the collection of data. Most data is available as a primary source of other activities like flood control and weather forecast. This data may be flawed and lack precision. Once data is, available next is to put the appropriate technology. For renewable energy to be a success story, policies and guidelines should be in place to facilitate the whole process. For instances, stopping the use of coal to produce electricity will promote renewable sources like wind power. In general renewable sources of are friend ly to environment. It makes it appropriate for use in industries and reduces the damage on the ozone layer. Despite renewable energy offering best alternatives for energy, it has disadvantages that affect its use. Disadvantages of Renewable Energy Solar energy- it is the energy derived from the rays of the sun using solar panels. Cost- the cost of installing solar panels is relatively high and few can afford to install large photovoltaic solar cells to produce electricity. So harnessing solar power still remain a challenge. Space-for solar energy to be effective, it requires large space for efficiency of the equipment used to tap its power. It is not appropriate in places where surface area is small. Photovoltaic cells cannot reach optimum level where pollution is high. It reduces effectiveness of solar panels. In winter and rainy weather the solar panels are less effective. Solar panels attract extra expenses in harnessing solar energy. They cannot perform at night, having the need to purchase accumulators to store energy. Wind Power- it is the energy derived from wind using wind turbines. Noise-despite wind being clean energy, turbines produces huge noises. Destruction to animals-birds is the major casualties of wind turbines. Turbines scare away birds in places they are constructed, hence interfering with their habitats. Strength of the wind- at times when large amount of wind power is required, wind may be low to turn the turbines and because of this wind energy is unreliable. Location- coastal receive strong wind completely year round. Areas away from the coastal line do not benefit much form wind energy. Space- wind turbines takes ocuupy much space that would otherwise be used for other economic purposes. Cost- construction of wind turbines is costly. Several turbines should be constructed to produce equal amount of energy produced by other sources of energy. Hydropower-this is the energy derived from moving water. Toxic gases- hydropower produces toxic gases, affecting plants surrounding the dam. This leads to emission of methane gas, which pollutes the environment. Destruction of habitat-animals and people around the dam has to move due to water making conditions near the dam unbearable. Costs-equipments for installation of hydropower are very expensive. Initial cost both capital and labour are relatively very

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Evolution of the Justice System Research Paper

The Evolution of the Justice System - Research Paper Example The essay shall explore the justice system from conception, evolution and its impact on the United States judicial system. The justice system has evolved a lot since its inception into the society. When colonialists first arrived in early America, there was no form of law anywhere and it was a case of survival of the fittest. The land was filled with outlaws and this gave reasons for the rise of the county sheriffs. Soon after, courts were established and lawyers who had immigrated from England started practicing law. The sheriffs categorized crimes into two groups namely, misdemeanors and felonies. The courts were similar to the courts found in England in that both courts comprised of judges and a jury. Some courts had one judge presiding over cases while others had ten judges. In the case of the ten judges, there was no organization and conducting matters was difficult. The courts led to the establishment of county cells and prisons. The main distinction between the cells and priso ns is that the county cells were meant to hold petty offenders and suspects while they awaited trial. After the case proceedings ended and the verdict was passed, they would be taken to prison. This is similar to the modern justice systems since courts and the sheriffs still exist. Sheriffs normally operate in the counties since their role has since been taken up by the police force. In the modern era, there are courts, judges and lawyers who strive to make the country safe by convicting criminals. The main difference between the old form of justice and the modern way is the form punishment that was administered. In the Middle Ages, there were various forms of punishment most of which were barbaric. They included mutilations, corporal punishments and death by hanging. Fast forward to modern times and these forms of punishments were abolished and prisoners are sent to prison for rehabilitation and not condemnation. The highest legal institution in the country or state is the Supreme Court. It is usually the last place where a dispute can be resolved if both parties have not come to an understanding.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Relevance of CD Sleeve Design in Todays Market Essay

The Relevance of CD Sleeve Design in Todays Market - Essay Example The focus of this paper is to explore the role of the CD cover in today’s emerging market of instant access to music Vis a Vis the internet. Virtually any song by any artist can be downloaded to our computer in a matter of minutes. We will discuss the future of the CD cover in relation to this emerging trend. Like the CD replaced the vinyl record album, will MP3s replace the necessity for CDs and their artwork? However, before we look to the future of this art form, we need to first understand its past Section one of the paper will look at the history of the album cover and how it evolved to the artwork of the CD cover from inception to current use. The purpose of the cover will be discussed. Next we will discuss the relevance of the cover and lastly the outlook for its future. As we make our journey from the past to tomorrow visual representation will be used. It is true what they say at times, â€Å"A picture speaks a thousand words.† Album covers are indelible symbols of what can happen when the boundless creative forces and extravagant minds of the world’s most successful artists and musicians collide. When you add an infusion of corporate label politics plus a significant historical context, the results are anything but ordinary. Columbia Records came into existence in 1939. It was there that a fledgling graphic designer by the name of Alex Steinweiss developed an idea that would revolutionize the music market and change forever how we viewed the modern phonographic album.

Monday, September 23, 2019

IMC Strategy Development for JB Hi Fi company Essay

IMC Strategy Development for JB Hi Fi company - Essay Example 1.1 Current Message Strategy JB’s current message strategy is based on the perception that it has to engage the appeal of its target demographics by taking an energetic approach which is both friendly and accommodating. The end goal is customer satisfaction and appeal. This is accomplished by making the high street stores attractive to its demographic target. JB’s online shopping facilities are also set up to reveal appealing product placement photographs and competitive pricing. In both the online shopping facilities and high street stores, the products are arranged by category for ease of reference and colour differentiation by virtue of the colour yellow and a distinctive logo are used to distinguish JB from its competitors. Thus, the current message strategy is designed to ensure that JB’s target demographic market is aware of the range and price of JB’s products. This is obtained by gaining attention (the one-way push) and then by making it easy for t he consumer to browse either in the virtual store or in the actual store (the two-way push). The two-way push is exemplified by the demonstrative play of products in-store with a view to gaining attention. The prices are reasonable and the volume high so that customers are enticed not only by the product’s appeal but its availability and are encouraged to return as a result of the shopping experience. The tagline however, is limited to pricing and availability advertising which is primarily left to online and in-store visits. 1.2 Message Effectiveness Critique The customer-friendly, energetic and appealing atmosphere is insufficient as it tends to focus on product availability rather than product value. Pricing is a marketing strategy that can very easily be mimicked by competitors (Kurtz, MacKenzie and Snow 2009, p. 584). A more effective IMC would focus more intently on increasing and improving customer awareness of the product. The approach should be to use an IMC strategy that increases the customers’ awareness of the products and this should include a promotional strategy (Chaston 2005, p. 143). Some guidance can be had by looking at JB’s major rivals’ strategies. These strategies include the use of the print media for advertising as well as the electronic media. Other strategies include point of sale communications and website communications and brochures all aimed at reaching their targeted consumers. Another competitor also uses social networks to facilitate communication with its customers. In today’s world of diversity it is best that JB use a diverse range of promotional strategies, similar to those used by its competitors (Blakeman 2007, p. 2). 1.3. Proposed Message Strategy Adjustments JB is required to improve its pull strategies. This means focusing on communicating directly with its customers (Hughes and Fill 2007, p. 146). This can be accomplished by creating a social networking service where JB moderates an open forum for full and frank disclosure relative to its products on an online forum. Push strategies which capitalize on intermediaries and other channels for communication should be improved (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel 2008, p. 413). This means taking the opportunity to increase the range of promotions and advertisement by virtue of the print and electronic media. 2.0 Channel Review 2.1 Channel Integration

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Energy drinks Essay Example for Free

Energy drinks Essay Using Energy Drinks in Daily Routine: What Is Energy drink? An energy drink Is a drink which contains drugs that Increases levels of nervous activity in the body, mainly caffeine, which is known for its mental or physical stimulation. Energy drinks may or may not be carbonated, and contain large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants drugs, and many also contain sugar, herbal extracts and amino acids. They are sub branches of the group of energy products, which Includes bars and gels. Energy drinks comes In many brands, qualities, flavors and varieties. Positive Points: 1 . Significant amount of Improvement In mental and cognitive performances as well as increased alertness. 2. Its been suggested that the reversal of some components present in caffeine helps in leaving a good effect on mood and ones performance. 3. After many tests it is observed that in young healthy adults an energy drink significantly increased upper body muscle strength. 4. Energy drinks help in improve memory. 5. Energy drinks Improve circulation of blood In your brain, ears and eyes. 6. Many energy drink companies use fruits and herbs that are healthy (for example: berries hey protect your body cells from oxidation). Negative points: With 30 to 50 percent of teens are taking energy drinks on daily basis, there are disadvantages of drinking these drinks, especially in children and teenagers, because they cannot safely consume as much caffeine as adults can. 1 Energy drinks are very high In sugar level, containing up to 35 grams of sugar per drink, which Is above the recommended amount of sugars for women of 25 grams per day and very close to the recommended daily limit of 37. Grams per men. Consuming a lot of deed sugars Increases your risk for obesity, because added sugars provide extra calories. 2. The caffeine in energy drinks increases the speed with which the alcohol is absorbed by a body making it more likely a person will stay awake long enough to consume more alcohol than a body would otherwise be able to. 3. The risks can be lessened by sticking to the recom mended Limits, which are listed on every drink, and by controlling the consumption of energy drinks by drinking one drink In a day. Extra ingredients , like amino acids, terrine, Guarani and ginseng, are added in such small mounts that they are not likely to give any beneficial health effects or cause any negative side effects. Suggestion: 1 . For many people, occasional drinks are flee, but try your best to limit yourself to about 500 millimeters a day. If youre consistently fatigued or rundown, however, figure a better and healthier way to boost your energy. Get good sleep, include yourself physical activity in your routine, and eat a healthy food. If these things dont help, consult your doctor. Sometimes fatigue is a sign medical condition, such as hypothyroidism or anemia. Or high blood pressure, consult your doctor if energy drinks may cause complications. Pregnant women and women who are breast-feeding may want to especially limit consumption of these beverages. 3. With the growing popularity of energy drinks on daily basis, most of the parents are concerned about how much caffeine their kids are taking. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adolescents get no more than 100 milliards of caffeine a day. Younger children shouldnt drink caffeinated beverages on a regular basis.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The shape of the sixties

The shape of the sixties Abstract This essay is in essence talking about the idea of revolution. In the 60s there was a great deal of hardship, be it from the Civil Rights Movement to the war in Vietnam. The 60s were a very revolutionary time, people full of new ideas coming from different parts of the world. This essay will show you through music, film and speech how a revolution occurred in the 60s. The Shape of the Sixties Jefferson Airplanes co-founder, Paul Kantner once said â€Å"If you can remember anything about the sixties, then you werent really there.† Sure, â€Å"The Sixties† may have been just been a decade long party, but there was a different side to this era. The counter-culture that was the sixties undoubtedly revolutionized the world that we life in today. The music was edgy, and heavily drug influenced but marked the beginning of a whole new sound. The sixties also marked a new age of film production based on both technology and content. The speeches were controversial but shaped a better world. This era was heavily filled with controversy, scandal and crime but through this it changed the world. As Cat Stevens sings in the song Peace Train, â€Å"Ive been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one. And I believe it could be someday its going to come.† What Cat is trying to say here is that she can see change is coming, and the world is going to be a better place, a place of equality. However America in the sixties was a very uneasy time, with the Vietnam War as well as the Civil Rights Movement. Both of these were both huge catalysts for all of the protest in the sixties. At the end of the Civil War many groups were created in order to achieve this equality but the process was painfully slow. It wasnt until this era however that hundreds of years of work finally began to pay off. The hippie movement stood up in agreement with this change, and with them came the support of the music. In 1963 Bob Dylan released the song Blowin in the Wind a non-specific song but very related to the uneasy times. This song is essentially a universal plea for humans to learn from our mistakes and to have freedom. The song has being covered numerous times and is a staple for any anti-war song. The second stanza of the song goes â€Å"How many years can a mountain exist, Before its washed to the sea? Yes, n how many years can some people exist, Before theyre allowed to be free? Yes, n how many times can a man turn his head, Pretending he just doesnt see? The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, The answer is blowin in the wind.† What Dylan is saying here is very clear, the people he is talking about is any group that has been oppressed or alienated should now be free, for everyone deserves freedom. The music of the sixties was not only groundbreaking and revolutionary, it was also changed the shape of music. Something happened in the sixties that was tokened as the â€Å"Britsh Invasion†, the British musicians essentially took over the American music industry and formed it into their own. This all started when The Beatles first appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show and took off into superstardom. In 1967 The Beatles released the album Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, a simply amazing record that was the anthem for the summer of 1967. This marked a new age and a new sound for what music was and will be. The sixties are when lyrics became edgy and people started to stand up against the government and oppression. In 1968 The Beatles released the song Revolution, a song with much apt to the current time. In the second verse it goes â€Å"You say you got a real solution.Well, you know. Wed all love to see the plan.† The Beatles are asking the government for their so called plan of action.1964, Dylan releasedâ€Å"With God on our Side† this is another protest song that traces the history of Americas conflicts dealing with all sorts of past wars. The lyrics are a vicious attack on the attitude that claims a war is vindicated. Music played a huge role in making the sixties a revolutionary time, and without these ext raordinary people much less would have been accomplished in this era. Through music you can see that media influence plays a lead role in bring about revolution, film in the sixties represented a decade of fun, music, fashion and countless social change. In the sixties was the first time that film began to really be about controversial subjects. The film Victim (1961) by director Basil Dearden was one of the first films to ever speak of the word â€Å"homosexuality†. This daring film was so groundbreaking and non-judgemental in that it talked about homosexuality in the early sixties. In fact when filming this movie Britain still had anti-sodomy statutes as law. Actions like these are truly the ones that make our world a better place, when people can stand up and fight against oppressive laws and belief. Without people who have the courage to stand up we would live in a painfully oppressed world today, things like slavery, alienation, segregation and even to the extreme, genocide, would still be very active in our world today. In the film industr y, just as in the music industry there was a â€Å"British Invasion† this came much from the new interest that Americans had in British fads, fashion and culture. The Beatles released three different films between 1964 and 1968, each of which was able to get across the music and its meaning to the viewer. Some of the controversial films that came out during this era are Billy Wilders satirical political farceOne, Two, Three (1961), Seven Days in May (1964), The Spy Who Came in From the Cold (1965). These films came out and really displayed a more bleak side of the war. These films allowed viewers to see a more realistic, less politically influenced perspective on what was truly happening. In the mid sixties a film company named (AIP) American International Pictures began to produce more youth orientated counter-culture films such as The Wild Angels (1966) and The Trip (1967). These films gave many a view of the counter-culture that was in America, it allowed people who were a part from the â€Å"hippie movement† to become a part of it. The Trip is about a television commercial director and his drug dealer; it is full of special â€Å"trippy† effects and is a truly psychedelic experience. Film in this era was unquestionably remarkable, it was a time of groundbreaking new ideas, and daring old ones that finally had the chance to come out. The sixties changed film for the better and allowed all audiences to view a different side to every story. If you ask anyone about the sixties one thing they will probably mention is one of the most remarkable men of all time. On August 28th, 1963 Martin Luther Kings â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech sparked a fire that would lead to the end of oppression against the black community in America. Mr. King is known today as one of the best orators and his speech was so successful because it dramatically increased awareness of The Civil Rights Movement. The third paragraph of Kings speech is this â€Å"But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we hav e come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.† King (1963). What king is saying here is very clear, blacks were promised freedom and oppression was going to be eliminated, as they stand there however, it is clear that this is not the case blacks are still being oppressed on a day to day basis. Martin Luther Kings power of speech was able to change this however, he confronted the world of its wrong doing and they realized it. King ends the speech on some of the most powerful words ever written, words of change, words that brought about a revolution â€Å"When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!†. King (1963). Wit hout this man, I wonder where the world would be today in terms of segregation. Would South Africa still have abolishment of the blacks? Would slavery still exist in America today? Would we still have political and social upheaval nearly every waking moment? Incredibly this was not Kings only subject that he talked on, he also delivered numerous speeches in an anti-Vietnam perspective. Martin Luther King was a man who really cared for everyone, he truly believed in equality. In a speech he gave to his church about Vietnam he says â€Å"Tonight, however, I wish not to speak with Hanoi and the NLF, but rather to my fellow Americans, who, with me, bear the greatest responsibility in ending a conflict that has exacted a heavy price on both continents.†King (1967). King believes that well in his words, â€Å"We must continue to raise our voices if our nation persists in its perverse ways in Vietnam.† King (1967). Sadly on April 4th, 1968 we were without this man, as he was assassinated in his soon to be free world. Martin Luther King was one of the most powerful speakers, he was able to use this to his advantage and could communicate his revolutionary ideas to a world-wide audience. Many of the people who made the sixties the incredible time that they were are no longer with us today. Sure, some people may even say that the sixties werent in fact a good decade. Be it the war, or the oppression the abundant use of illegal substances or the growing counter culture. Regardless this era was simply revolutionary, even through hardship and trouble the people who lived in this decade changed the world. Music developed a groundbreaking new sound full of meaningful and powerful words. The influence of the sixties still lives in some of the great music that is being produced today. The Films were controversial and courageous in their content. This is still prevalent in modern films in that you can produce a film on just about any given topic. The Speeches, although only powerful by few were able to change nearly an entire worlds view. Martin Luther King made the first groundbreaking steps in the Civil Rights Movement and was able to lead the way. Kings words and power sti ll live in some of todays speakers and he will always be respected by the world. The sixties was an era that was able to push its way through numerous obstacles and turn them into something better, this decade was a revolution.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cyberspace and the Constitution Essay -- Government Politics Internet

Cyberspace and the Constitution Cyberspace is a new frontier for American courts. In the past, when faced with new situations, courts have analogized older laws into the new situations. However, due to the many unique qualities of the Internet, courts have had a difficult time determining how to apply prior law in the realm of cyberspace. In the United States, the ultimate framework of our laws is the United States Constitution. The Constitution, and most especially the Bill of Rights, has entered arenas that the founders could not have imagined. Today, courts know that they must apply the constitution to cyberspace, but the question remains: how is it to be applied? The District Court in U.S. v. Pataki devised an interesting solution to the constitutional problems of cyberspace, by using the Commerce Clause in a situation where at first blush, the First Amendment would seem to be the constitutional provision to apply. The issue in Pataki was whether a New York statute criminalizing the use of a computer to disseminate obscene material to minors was constitutional. The statute criminalized sending sexual material to minors that was "harmful to minors." The statute defined material as "harmful to minors" if it 1) Considered as a whole, appealed to the puritant interest in sex of minors; 2) Was patently offensive to prevailing adult community standards with respect to what is suitable material to minors; and 3) Considered as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, and scientific value for minors. Essentially, this is the Miller obscenity test, devised by the Supreme Court, applied to minors. Although the statute was modeled after the Miller test, it still faces First Amendment concerns. First, what are "pr... ...upply this, since they would run afoul of the Commerce Clause, as did New York in Pataki. Thus, Congress must provide the legislation. Furthermore, since the Internet is international, this legislation must stem from international treaties. This is a lot to ask, and many people are concerned about "Big Brother" controlling our communications, and they argue that the Internet should be free to regulate itself. However, there must be regulation on the Internet. The Internet allows the freest mode of expression in human history. Anyone is a publisher. With this great freedom, comes great responsibility. The framers of the Constitution never imagined the Internet, but they did imagine principles which should continue to guide us into the electronic frontier. Principles of the Commerce Clause and the First Amendment must continue to apply in the realm of cyberspace.

Buying the Perfect Horse :: Free Essay Writer

Buying the Perfect Horse Last weekend a Mr. Charlie Goodrich called my office. He told me that an old friend of mine, who had given me very high recommendations, had referred him to me. Mr. Goodrich said that he was looking for a horse. He was not sure what exactly he was going to use it for, but he was examining a couple possibilities. Since my job is to help people decide which breed of horse would best suit their plans and lifestyles, I needed to know exactly what it was he wanted to use a horse for. He told me that he owned a very reputable stable, with a variety of expensive breeds, and he was looking to expand his stock. Mr. Goodrich said that he wanted a stallion with a future in racing, and good siring bloodlines. That is what many owners do with retired racehorses. After the horse’s racing career is over they are sent to what is like a retirement home for horses. Here they live out the rest of their lives, breeding and siring many young foals. I explained to him that two of the best horses for racing were the Thoroughbred and the Arabian. My personal favorite is the Arabian, I told him, because of it’s unique beauty and rich heritage. In order to try and find which would be the best for him I researched both breeds and presented him with the results. While both the Thoroughbred and the Arabian are very beautiful, and both are well reputed in the racing world, the Arabian horse is far superior. Its ancient, mysterious origins, and unique beauty make it a very desirable horse. It excels on the track, and produces incredible offspring. The Arabian stallion has also been the subject of many novels, etching its figure into many hearts, and making it even more popular. Origins The term Thoroughbred describes a breed of horse whose ancestry traces back to three foundation sires – the Darley Arabian, the Godolphin Arabian, and the Byerly Turk. Named after their respective owners – Thomas Darley, Lord Godolphin, and Captain Robert Byerly – these three stallions were brought to England around the turn of the 17th century and bred to the stronger, but less intelligent, native horse. They were bred to native spring mares – very probably Scottish Galoways – and the resulting foals were the first real thoroughbreds.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Effects of Divorce on Children and Families Essay -- Cause Effect

The Effects of Divorce on Children and Families Society is always rushing, hurrying, and trying to beat the clock. Deadlines and overtime seem to be a topic in everyday conversation. How is it possible that so much can be accomplished in just a short amount of time? What seems to be lacking? What is cut out of people’s everyday life? Frank Furedi in his book â€Å"Culture of Fear,† discusses many issues that are facing our society today. One of the issues he has written about is interpersonal relationships, at one point in the book Furedi writes â€Å"...people pollute-not just the environment but each other†(38). When one takes a more thoughtful approach to life, one may find there are many examples to the idea of strained relationships between people in our society, for instance divorce. It has become part of everyday life, that divorce is very real. Much research has proven over the past several decades that more and more people get divorced. For example, almost without notice the divorce rate in the United States went from 26% in the 1960's to 50% in 1980 (Masci 9). That number has consistently increased into 1990's through this century. What was once a secret and even considered a scandal, has now become an every day common occurrence. Usually what is left to lie in the balance are material items such as cars, clothing, and homes, but it is not the everyday items left from divorce that affects society, it is the child. What is to happen to these children whoseem to be caught in the middle of their parents divorce? Children of divorce sometimes are forced to be in the middle of a nasty battle between their parents. Most of the children are scared to say their true feelings and what they want in life. In an article found on ... ...of the world strongly influences behavior between people. Such sentiments are inspired by a lack of clarity about the terms on which relationships are built.†(107). Works Cited Campbell, Susan. Moving On. Psychology Today online. 34,4; Jul/Aug 2001. 16,1. 15 Mar 2005 Furedi, Frank. Culture of Fear: Risk-Taking and the Morality of Low Expectation. New York : Continuum, 2003. Jurkovic, Gregory J. et al. Parentification of Adult Children of Divorce: A Multidimensional Analysis. Journal of Youth Adolescence Online. 30,2; Apr. 2001. 245,13. 22 Mar 2005 . Masci, David. Children and Divorce. The CQ Researcher Online. 11, 2; 19 Jan. 2001. 20 Mar. 2005

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Essay

Benjamin Franklin is a notable figure in American history and perhaps one of the most recognizable in name and appearance. Franklin was one of the most important people during the early years of the nation because of his involvement with the Declaration of Independence and the diplomatic and political advances he made during his life as a citizen of the new United States of America. Known for his curious mind, Franklin is also remembered for his many scientific contributions to the field of Physics. While many people would say that George Washington is the father of this country, there is a good argument that Benjamin Franklin should hold the title in the history books. Why? Because he is the only founding father to have signed the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, and the Constitution, and it is these three documents as a whole that created the United States as its own nation apart from Great Britain and established its place in the world. Without his ability to be diplomat, his political sense, and his scientific advancements, the United States would have likely never become the nation that it is today and for this reason, Franklin is destined to have a place in American history. Benjamin Franklin was, for all intents and purposes, first and foremost a shrewd and successful politician. During his political life he accomplished a great deal of important things. One of the most notable of Franklin’s political dealings was his absolute disapproval of the Stamp Act and he was at the head of the effort to have it repealed by Parliament. He was appointed by the Continental Congress to the committee that would draft the Declaration of Independence and was in fact the person that edited it. In his later years, he was part of the committee that created the United States’ Constitution and was single-handedly able to help the unhappy delegates come to a compromise and helped, through an impassioned speech, get them to sign it. In his last years he was also known for being a dedicated abolitionist and spent a great deal of political energy asserting this cause. Throughout his life, his writings and activism helped establish the United States as an American nation. In fact, he is credited with having inventing the idea of an American nation. As a diplomat, Benjamin Franklin was well-liked and received by other nations because of his friendly nature, his intelligent conversation, and his ability to connect with people on a different level. His most notable diplomatic accomplishment was the Treaty of Paris, which helped establish the United States as a separate and equal nation. Franklin was well-liked by the French because he was able to quickly understand the customs of the people and used his ability to negotiate over the dinner table to effectively make connections with the French. Throughout his life, Franklin would be known as an accomplished diplomat for the United States. As a scientist, Franklin’s accomplishments are well known by Americans. Franklin was an inventor who enjoyed trying out new ideas and coming up with new scientific ideas. Among his inventions were the lightening rod, the glass harmonica, and bifocal glasses. His experiments with electricity were among his most well-known and became important contributions to Physics. He also founded the American Philosophical Society, where men of science would get together and discuss their inventions and scientific research. Throughout his life, his greatest love would be science and his study of electricity. Benjamin Franklin is perhaps the most important of the founding fathers because his contributions to the country went far beyond simply serving as president or fighting in a war. Franklin was able to use his ability to work with others, be diplomatic, and his intelligence to help create the nation that he envisioned. He not only helped the United States break away from England, but was there to help the American people gain status in the world at large and to help create the Constitution that would be the foundation of American society. His accomplishments in science and his founding of the American Philosophical Society helped bring science and culture to a fledgling nation that was trying to find its own way. For this he will always be remembered as the Father of the country. Bibliography â€Å"Benjamin Franklin. † Wikipedia. 29 Jan. 2007 .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Algae Blooms and Their Effects on Water Sources

Blue – green algae are scientifically known as cyanobacteria. They are also known as pond scum. They belong to the family of bacteria and naturally develop in shallow, warm and still waters. These conditions are present in fresh water lakes, ponds, and wetlands. In order to survive and grow the algae blooms need sunlight and thus they are photo synthetic bacteria. The name blue – green algae can be attributed to the fact that the first species of this algae were blue – green in color. There are other types of algae, namely, olive – green colored and red colored.During the months of July and August, the population of the algae grows enormously due to the fact that the congenial conditions of hot, calm weather are fulfilled in these months. These weather conditions help create large numbers of blue – green algae, which are often called blooms. These blooms incline upwards to the surface of the water and cover the water. They resemble thick pea soup th at is blue – green in color and they occur naturally. A large portion of blue – green algae blooms are either toxic or poisonous. Wildlife, livestock or humans who consume these algal blooms could possibly die (Blue-green Algae Blooms.BC HEALTH FILES). The cyanobacteria have a dual effect on humans. One variety of these algae acts as a natural fertilizer for rice, whereas there are other variants of this class of bacteria, which contain dangerous toxins. The toxins of cyanobacteria cause a rash in humans. Some cyanobacteria emit high levels of neuromuscular toxins, which kill the fish that consume it. The water containing such algae, on being consumed by animals proves to be fatal. If conditions are favorable, the cyanobacteria grow in profusion and such dense algal blooms produce potent toxins that render seafood highly poisonous.The people who consume such seafood are bound to die. Algal blooms cause a discoloration of water and impart a malodorous smell and a bad ta ste to it (Steinman). During the summer season, algae blooms develop on the lakes and other reservoirs in the entire region and the blue – green algae grow abundantly on the water. They need combinations of high levels of nutrients, warm water, and prolonged sunny weather conditions. These algae make the water become odorless or pungent and the taste unpleasant. Eventually the water becomes unfit for human consumption.The various recreational activities on the Lake of the Prairies are severely hindered in summer, because the algae blooms grow abundantly on the water in summer. In Brereton Lake in the Whiteshell, the fish population was killed by the algae blooms, in the year 1990. During summer, the huge population of algae blooms in the Shoal Lake renders the water tasteless and causes a severe drinking water problem in Winnipeg (State of the Environment Reports). The blue – green algae blooms contain two different types of toxins. One type consists of neurotoxins tha t interfere with the nervous and respiratory systems of human beings.These neurotoxins cause muscle tremors, stupor, staggering, rapid paralysis, and respiratory problems. Consuming these toxins generally results in death within thirty minutes. A number of dead bodies of animals that have consumed the water, contaminated with the algal blooms, can be found near water bodies like lakes and ponds. The consumption of these algal blooms is fatal irrespective of whether an animal or a human consumes them (Blue-green Algae Blooms. BC HEALTH FILES). The other type of toxins is the hepato – toxins. These toxins damage the liver which results in slow death.Animals or humans who drink water contaminated with toxic strains of blue – green algae blooms would die within thirty – six hours. Jaundice and sensitivity to sunlight are the immediate symptoms of these toxins. Animals that consume water containing this toxin develop these symptoms (Blue-green Algae Blooms. BC HEALTH FILES). Harmful Algae Blooms cause great economic loss. They hinder activities such as commercial fishing, tourism, cultural traditions, recreational, and subsistence harvests. Maryland sustained a huge economic loss in the year 1997 due to such contamination.The seafood industries depicted a decline of over ten percent of their gross sales due to harmful Algae Blooms in the water. This industry had been making huge profits with an annual rate of increase of seventy – four percent till 1996. The reduction in sales was approximately forty – three million dollars. This huge loss was attributed to the Pfiesteria toxins of the algae blooms. In addition, persons who had been affected by this localized toxic outbreak of Pfiesteria developed several neurological diseases ( Harmful algae blooms in Mary land ).Furthermore, algal blooms cause the discoloration of water, formation of foam on the water, depletion of oxygen, and death. Some fish such as benthic fauna and wild or c aged fish or shellfish get poisoned and consuming those fish results in death. The uncontrolled growth of plankton algae causes organic matter to accumulate at the bottom of the water bodies. The ecosystem is adversely affected and the local biodiversity is harmed due to the uncontrolled growth and preponderance of filamentous macroalgae. The growth of these algae is due to the presence of excessive nutrients in the water (European Environment Agency).Domestic water supplies in the cities Brandon and Morden depend on the Assiniboine River and Lake Minnewasta. Algae blooms on these water sources result in the loss of taste and odor in this water. The water department in Brandon increased the rate of chemical feed at the water plant in order to manage this problem. In Morden, the staff added copper sulfate to Lake Minnewasta to eradicate the algae. Although these problems prevail for a short period, the residents of the cities have to countenance a great deal of inconvenience. Consequ ently, the people commenced to depend on other sources of drinking water (State of the Environment Reports).With the advancement of scientific knowledge, humans are deriving a number of advantages from the algae blooms. Some of these advantages include the production of food for people as well as animal livestock, using them as binding agents in the preparation of ice creams and shampoos, and using the algae in medicines to control certain diseases. Commercial farming of over 150 species of algae as a vital source of food is one of the positive aspects of the algae. In Japan, China, and Korea people consume seaweed that has been prepared by using algae.The revenues from such seaweed have been estimated at $2 billion per annum. Nori a red algae is a very popular item of food in these nations (Steinman). In North America and Europe, seaweeds are food supplements for animals. Some species of cyanobacteria are rich in proteins. Spirulina is very popular in this respect and it is grown i n ponds commercially. Spirulina is considered to be a health food and cattle dietary supplement. Seaweeds are a very rich source of concentrated potassium and trace elements; therefore, they are used as fertilizers and soil conditioners, in order to increase crop production.Another species of cyanobacteria converts atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia, which is a very useful plant nutrient. Growing cyanobacteria is a major agricultural activity in the tropical countries, because it provides nitrogen to rice (Steinman). Eutrophic reservoirs generally contain cyanobacteria, whose blooms destroy the aquatic environment and prove fatal to animals and humans. They are largely prevalent in water bodies all over the world. In South America, these cyanobacteria have caused the death of a very large number of fish and aquatic life.For example in Chile the blooms of these bacteria produced microcystine L – R production, which caused an enormous destruction of aquatic life. Similarly, in Bra zil, PSP phycotoxins were present in large quantities in water. Moreover, these cyanobacteria have produced hepatotoxins like Microcystis that resulted in severe ailments of the liver (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Phycotoxins: Occurrence in South America ). Blue – green algae are as widespread as bacteria and are found to a large extent in either neutral or alkaline Eutrophic fresh water plankton and in the plankton of tropical seas.The benthic forms are usually found in hot springs, snow, ice, tree trunks. Cyanophyceae live in symbiosis with several animal and plant species. Moreover, the phycobiont of a large number of lichens is made up of these Cyanophyceae (Cyanophyceae. McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology). Apart to forming important contributors to food chains, a number of benefits are obtained from the blue – green algae. One such important activity is the fixing of Nitrogen in the soil so that rice paddies are enriched to a significant extent.Nevertheless, these blue – green algae are a veritable pestilence on occasion, for instance, they impair the function of filters by clogging them, make domestic water supplies unfit to drink due to engendering bad smell and taste, render swimming pools, aquariums and fountains unusable and cause the death of birds, fish and domestic animals (Cyanophyceae. McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology). Some of the earliest forms of life on this planet consisted of these blue – green algae and their fossils have been discovered in rocks that had been determined to be around 2.3 billion years old. Furthermore, the accretion of oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere has been attributed to these blue – green algae (Cyanophyceae. McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology). It is essential to identify and monitor water bodies that contain algal blooms, in order to ensure that the quality of the water does not deteriorate. However, there risk of the occurrence of these blooms cannot be entirely eradicated and it is the duty of the water managers and the general public to keep a close watch over these water bodies so that any algae bloom can be detected.Further, a proper course of action has to be implemented, which will deal with blooms and their resultant problems in an appropriate manner (Algal Blooms – Causes and Management. Victorian Resources Online ). Harmful Algal Blooms or HABs cause significant harm to the economy, ecology and society, it has the potential to cause the death of shellfish, dolphins, manatees and humans. These HABs contain toxins that on becoming airborne make breathing difficult in people, which leads to a decline in the number of people visiting the seaside.Over a period of time almost all the coastal states have fallen prey to the depredations of these algal blooms. The gravity of the situation can be gauged from the fact that advanced detection techniques are being employed to detect and control these blooms and examples of these are biochemical detectors, computer simulated models and satellites. Nevertheless, the fact remains that loss to the tune of millions of dollars takes place annually due to these algal blooms (Mitigating Harmful Algal Blooms ). Works Cited Harmful algae blooms in Mary land . 16 July 2007 .Algal Blooms – Causes and Management. Victorian Resources Online . 9 July 2007. 16 July 2007 < http://www. nre. vic. gov. au/DPI/Vro/vrosite. nsf/pages/water-river-algal-manage>. Blue-green Algae Blooms. BC HEALTH FILES. 16 July 2007 < http://www. bchealthguide. org/healthfiles/hfile47. stm >. Cyanophyceae. McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. 2004. 16 July 2007 . European Environment Agency. Algal bloom in coastal waters. 16 July 2007 . Mitigating Harmful Algal Blooms .1 February 2007. 16 July 2007 . â€Å"Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Phycotoxins: Occurrence in South America . † Comments on Toxicology (2 003): ISSN: 0886-5140. Vol. 9. Pp. 175 – 193. State of the Environment Reports. Algae Blooms Perennial Problem of Water Supplies on the Prairies. 16 July 2007 . Steinman, Alan D. â€Å"Algae. † In Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005 .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Essay

The American Dream is true equality and freedom of the citizens of The United States. In Maya Angelou’s I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Marguerite struggles with the thought of feeling unwanted as a child and the discrimination against blacks. As Marguerite grows up, she experiences first-hand the cruelty of racism. Her struggles reflect on all the hardships the citizens of America went through when they were fighting for equality as well. It first started in 1607 when English settlers travelled to America for religious freedom. The freedom they sought out for eventually grew to be something more important than just religious freedom. Marguerite defies authority and segregation and eventually gains the equality she deserves. Even though the era of slavery has ended, segregation between blacks and whites were still present. The town that Marguerite lives in is separated from where the white population is and she barely knows what they are like and she wonders if they are even human. Early on in the story, Marguerite first experiences the cruelty of the local â€Å"powhitetrash† when her family is warned of the white men searching her town for a scapegoat. This causes her Uncle Willie to hide in a potato bin even though he is innocent. In chapter blank, Marguerite watches three white girls mock Momma and she feels anger towards their cruelty and unfairness. As Momma finds her crying in anger, this is the first time she felt the need to defy the white people and fight against them. This encounter foreshadows Marguerite’s future acts of defiance against white people, as the English settlers defied their kind and moves to America. Marguerite’s first true act of defiance was when she was working for a white woman named Viola Cullinan. Mrs. Viola Cullinan is rude and her friends mistreat Marguerite. In order for Marguerite to stop working for her, she broke her prized china. This was a sign of Marguerite finally taking a stand against being mistreated. Her resistance gains Marguerite back her pride and she is getting closer to the freedom that she yearns for. There are times in the story where Marguerite feels an extreme sense of pride for her and her people. At Marguerite’s graduation, a white man named Edward Donleavy degrades the black population by stating that they can only excel in sports. He causes the eighth grade class to feel ashamed of themselves because they feel unintelligent. Marguerite starts to regret the fact that Columbus discovered the new world and she wishes that he hadn’t. She feels so embarrassed, but Henry Reed, the valedictorian of her class brings their spirit back up. He has the crowd sing the Negro National Anthem and as his speech ends, everyone feels great pride swell inside of them. Marguerite feels proud of her heritage and education and ignores what harsh words of Mr. Donleavy. Another time when Marguerite feels proud of the black population is when she envisions Ms. Henderson standing up to Dr. Lincoln. She pictures Ms. Henderson turning into a superhero and scaring Dr. Lincoln. She states that she feels proud to be her granddaughter. The American Dream cannot be fulfilled unless the people have an extreme sense of pride of who they are and their country. Marguerite’s feelings were the start of the journey towards equality between all races. Marguerite first experiences a sense of equality when she attends a school in San Francisco. All the students are rude to her and act as if she is inferior to all of them. On the other hand, Marguerite meets a teacher names Mrs. Kirwin who doesn’t discriminate. She treats every single one of her students the same, no matter what their race is. She only remembers Mrs. Kirwin because she didn’t treat her differently. Marguerite experiences one final act of equality when she runs away from her father. She discovers a mix of young teens consisting of several races working together in equality. They give her certain rules that allow her to appreciate diversity and how everyone is the same. For example, everyone must work and put in an equal amount of effort to survive. Like the American Dream, everyone living in the junkyard is equal and treated fairly. There was no oppression or segregation when Marguerite lived in the junkyard. As it says in The Declaration of Independence, every American citizen is â€Å"endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.† In chapter 19, the Store is filled people listening to the boxing match with Joe Louis, a hero from the black population. When he wins, Marguerite feels that he proved that black people are powerful people. The black population develops a sense of hope, feeling that things will start to change because Joe Louis made a difference and because he is a black man. They feel as if they finally took a stand to all the unjust lynching and discrimination against blacks. Near the end of the story, Marguerite becomes the first black person to have a job as a streetcar conductor. At first, there was a policy forbidding any black person to have this job, but Marguerite fights and against all odds, she is successful. This proves that regardless of social standing, one can achieve what they desire if he or she really wants it. Just as us Americans fought for freedom, Marguerite fought for equality.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ops 571 Final

What is the net result of reducing the duration of a task (crashing) not on the critical path? A. Decreased project overhead costs B. Reduced likelihood of liquidated damages for late delivery C. Increased slack time associated with the task D. Reduction in the project duration 12) The idea of the value density calculation is: A. finding a carrier that can handle the weight B. matching the weight of the product with an appropriate carrier C. deciding where items should be stocked geographically and how they should be shippedD. finding the minimum cost carrier 13) When designing a supply chain: A. cost vs customer service must be considered B. quality vs cost must be considered C. lead times vs payment terms must be considered D. customer service vs product customization must be considered 14) According to Hau Lee, which of the following types of products need to be delivered with efficient supply-chains? A. Custom products B. Innovative products C. Grocery products D. High technology products 5) Which of the following product promotional activities would probably help make the supply chain more efficient? A. Price promotions that expire on a specific date B. An â€Å"everyday† low price strategy where prices are not dependent on quantity delivered with a specific order C. Special packaging for a specific event that occurs one time each year D. A 2-for-1 price promotion 16) The best operating level is: A. the maximum point of the cost curve B. the level of capacity for which average unit cost is minimized C. aximum capacity D. the level of capacity for which total cost is minimized 17) Capacity utilization rate can be computed as: A. Capacity used – best operating level B. Capacity used x best operating level C. Capacity used / best operating level D. Capacity used + best operating level 18) The objective of __________ is to provide an approach for determining the overall capacity level of capital-intensive resources that best supports the company' s long-range competitive strategy. A. workforce management B. management supervision C. perations management D. strategic capacity planning 19) Lean production systems typically require A. delivery of large lots at frequent intervals B. buyer inspection of goods and materials C. multiple sources from which to purchase D. low inventory levels throughout production 20) Given that the previous forecast of 65 turned out to be four units less than the actual demand; the next forecast is 66. What would be the value of alpha if the simple exponential smoothing forecast method is being used? A. 0. 02 B. 0. 4 C. 0. 04 D. 0. 25

Friday, September 13, 2019

Compare and contrast concessionary bargaining and two-tire wage Essay

Compare and contrast concessionary bargaining and two-tire wage systems - Essay Example And supermarkets will contribute only 35% for the pensions of new workers, down from their previous contribution of 100%. The United Auto Workers also accepted a two-tier structure in a supplemental agreement with the two major parts suppliers, Delphi and Visteon, that employ 52,000 workers. While workers at the "Big Three" auto plants average around $24 an hour, the new hires at the parts plants will start at $14 an hour and can eventually rise to $18.50. In the public sector, the 121,000 members of District Council 37, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), have approved a contract that allows its members to gain wage increases that will be paid for by reducing the pay, sick days and vacation benefits of newly-hired employees. A two-tier system violates the basic union principle of "equal pay for equal work." How should a newly-hired worker feel if he is doing the same work as another worker and getting only two thirds of his pay It turns the new hires into second-class citizens within the union, breeding dissatisfaction and division. It makes it more difficult to foster unity and solidarity. Moreover, employers, in addition to drastically cutting their labor costs, can use their hiring policies to weaken the union. As union power wanes, companies are finding it easier to plead global competition and request stringent concessions that workers are unable to accept. Such "concessionary bargaining" happens during recessions or industry-specific downturns when some companies face the prospect of filing for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. What's unusual now is how many cases involve companies that are in good shape but cite increased global competition as the reason for the demands. "A lot of companies now are doing it just because they believe they can; it's opportunistic," says Ron Blackwell, chief economist for the AFL-CIO. WORKS CITED: Harry, Kelber. "Unions Accepting a Two-Tier Pay System Are Giving a Major Concession to Bosses". June 9, 2004 Online article

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Is it legal to download the music freely Research Paper

Is it legal to download the music freely - Research Paper Example The research project aims at addressing the question whether free download of music is legal. The authors investigate the issue of illegal downloading of music under ethical perspective. They indicate that people illegally download music despite them knowing that it is wrong. This article is peer reviewed and I have not found any awards for the article. The main aim of the research for this project is to determine whether music downloads for free is legal. The authors indicate that individual’s share and record music for other to download the music online for free. One example is the case of napster that enabled users to download anything they want on the internet for free. However, it is now restricted by legal actions. This article is peer reviewed with no awards for it. It seeks to explore the aim of the project that asks whether the download of music for free is legal. This article is able to study the degree to which protecting copyright owners is required. This is the case for music download requiring individuals to download music for free which is illegal. This article is peer reviewed with no awards for the article. It adds to the aim of this project that seeks to understand whether download of music for free is legal. The author indicates that people widely share music files on the internet. Such transfers allow individuals to download the music for free which can be illegal. This article is peer reviewed with no awards for the article. The aim of my project is to answer the question as to whether it is legal to download music for free. The author indicates that most of the software and music industries suggest to consumers that copying digital contents would land them in jail. Scelba, Curtis Johnlee. "Culture and the Digital Copyright Chimera: Assessing the International Regulatory System of the Music Industry in Relation to Cultural Diversity." International Journal of Cultural Property (2009):

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Summary Report - Electronic Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary Report - Electronic Privacy - Essay Example David shows the audience how surveillance can be malicious if it lands on the wrong hands. He reveals how a former employer steals his fired employees phone records, a woman who loses his job due to mistaken identity. He also shows how a man discovers that his rental car company was tracking him every move. While most people will take the freedom they enjoy for granted, David utilizes the documentary to remind us that freedom is a precious thing and should not be taken for granted. Many people would want to keep their email conversations to themselves, the text messages we send to remain a conversation between ourselves and the recipient but that is not the case anymore. The governments super machines sift through all this communication data and archive them. The documentary also introduces to the viewers to the little known department of AOL, which works closely with law enforcement agencies on request for individuals information. These companies are monitoring the employees, shoppers and diners observed and analyzed. Bank records and financial statements, communication trends and patterns, are being monitored stored and archived for future references if need is. It is clear now that with technology comes with challenges and one of them is the loss of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

College Admission Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

College Admission Personal Statement - Essay Example Actually, my math teachers never strived to find out the root cause of my poor performance, rather they readily and ignorantly labeled me with ADD while constantly pressuring me psychologically due to which I earned the reputation of a good-for-nothing student, though I have always got straight A’s and B’s in other subjects. It all changed when I happened to take my first psychology class during which the stark reality of what I actually was meant to be hit me and forced me to change my opinion about myself. Then I realized that I had much to do in my life if only I was allowed to avail the opportunity for studying psychology in UA. I believe I can be a riveting asset as a student to UA because it has been years since I started designing strategies about how students can be encouraged to learn passionately and how wrong judgments and diagnosis made by teachers can horrendously influence the students psychologically who may have the capacity to perform well but their tal ents get marred by the personality-distorting critical

Monday, September 9, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 40

Summary - Essay Example We were all very supportive of the project and admire the hard work involved throughout this process. I believe that Jean worked well and thoroughly to bring this topic and potential improvement program to life. Alexis posted her work, as well, Jean posted some recommendation she thought would benefit Alexis. Alya and Rhett, also, added some very constructive commentary to the posting. Overall, I believe that Alexis has provided strong evidence of the importance of this issue and that her strong approach and very focused approach represents a great potential for her suggested program to succeed. Ayla’s approach, in the posting, was incredibly well resourced and clearly provides a wonderful example the ability of groups with programs like this, which may, be effective in similar ways all over the world. The rest of the team added some interesting suggestions that were supportive of the goal. Rhett’s posting was well focused and relevant, as was Nasreen’s. Rhettâ⠂¬â„¢s was well grounded and informative and Nasreen’s gave a thorough regard to how to help solve the problem at the core of her work. The team showed great effort and positivity in providing helpful, beneficial, constructive criticisms that only improved the wonderful work being presented. This team endeavor has been a fantastic experience and everyone who participated gave total commitment. I am unbelievably pleased with the

Bankruptcy Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bankruptcy Law - Essay Example Each case can file any of these types of bankruptcy, however, a specific chapter may be better suited for each individual case. Chapter 11 is mainly bankruptcy for business and its purpose is to reorganize the debt of the business. Reorganization divides the credit accounts into different classes and assets are then liquefied and distributed. The debtor can devise a plan of reorganization for the approval of the court within a 120-day deadline or the debtor can request a court appointed trustee to plan the reorganization. This chapter of bankruptcy allows the business to continue to operate during the bankruptcy under the supervision of Bankruptcy Court. Chapter 11 allows for liquidation of the business assets that are not immediately needed for the operation of the business and a plan for payment of the assets needed for the operation of the business. This will allow the sole proprietor in this case to stay in business and she can change her business to a more suitable and profitable business under the supervision of the court while at the same time eliminating the majority of her debt. In this case, the debtor should file chapter 7 bankruptcy. The debtor is assigned a trustee who liquidates assets and then divides the proceeds fairly among the creditors.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Compare and Contrast 2 articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compare and Contrast 2 articles - Essay Example There is quite evidently the interdependence gravitates man toward such force and this compels him to revitalize his being by recreating it through art. â€Å"So God tired of all the possibilities that remained confined within Him, unexpressed, dormant, and as if dead. And God opened His mouth, and he spoke at length a word that was harmonious and rhythmical† (p. 49). Similarly, Du Bois reinforces the concept of a singular world without boundaries because all are created by one God. Yet out of this, he clarifies that there does exist a classification of races. â€Å"There does not stand today upon God’s earth a race more capable in muscle, in intellect, in morals, than the American Negro† (p, 13). This clearly indicates the significance of God in the lives of Black people, an influence that cannot be dismissed. (2) Senghor recognizes the influence of the Negro in civilization while Du Bois only assumes its part. By direct content of the essay, Senghor’s â €˜Negritude: A Humanism of the Twentieth Century’ discusses the gist of Negritude and its meaning. It is as he describes it, a modern humanism. The Negro had influenced artists such as Picasso and Braque when they discovered African art.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Case Analysis for North American Warehouse Clubs Essay Example for Free

Case Analysis for North American Warehouse Clubs Essay The competitive environment has changed drastically since the BSG case was originally written. The United States (US) continues to decline in the market as opposed to several years ago, but due to certain qualities it continues to remain very competitive in the market. One factor which gives the US a competitive edge is innovation. US companies are highly sophisticated and innovative. For the purposes of this analysis, the focus will be on innovation. Modern technology with information systems and applications with state of the art information and communication technologies are leading factors in the success of businesses today. Many newer businesses use e-technologies as a tool that not only improves efficiency, but gives them the competitive edge against those companies which are still running operations with outdated technology. Companies who have been around for decades are forced to implement new systems depending on their business needs. Changing technology is an initiative that is generally high cost, taking time to implement. There are numerous options available today that if the implementation of a new system is not strategically planned it could ultimately place a business in a financial deficit forcing businesses to reduce operations and sometimes shut down. It is important for businesses to invest in research and development (RD) when deciding to develop new processes to maintain a competitive edge. Looking at the case, it is apparent that Costco was the leader in modern technology compared to the other two competitors. Costco began to grow its business with two websites in 2004 in the US and in Canada. Costco’s e-commerce sales more than tripled over several years, reaching sales of over $1.2B in 2007. BJ’s began upgrading technology in 2007 which was fully implemented in 2009. Although net sales increased from $8,792M to $9,802M during the implementation years, net sales have seized to take an impressive incline with the new system. Net sales only increased $152M from 2009 to 2010. The case did not report on any innovations related to technology for Sam’s Club. Some of the problems Sam’s Club faces compared to the other competitors can be directed at the location of warehouses, their competition with Wal-Mart and their low scale target market. One way to improve would be to focus on their target market by offering upscale merchandise which will target upscale clientele. Sam’s Club could purchase BJ’s which already sells high quality brand merchandise. Merging with this competitor would tighten the market share even more. Focusing on members through this type of merchandising strategy will increase profitability. Another way to improve would be to reduce the amounts of international imports and focus on using American made products. Reducing import/export costs overall will increase revenue growth and financial performance. References World Economic Forum. 2012. The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013. Geneva: World Economic Forum. Available at Wall Street Journal. Sam’s Club CEO Launches Charge on Rivals, Updated October 31, 2012, 1:44 p.m. ET By SHELLY BANJO version of this article appeared October 31, 2012, on page B7 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Sams Club CEO Launches Charge on Rivals.

Friday, September 6, 2019

High school graduates should take a year off before entering college Essay Example for Free

High school graduates should take a year off before entering college Essay A woman takes a selfie from a high angle A selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated withsocial networking, like Instagram. They are often casual, are typically taken either with a camera held at arms length or in a mirror, and typically include either only the photographer or the photographer and as many people as can be in focus, which is more commonly known as a group selfie Contents History The first known selfie, taken by Robert Cornelius in 1839 Robert Cornelius, an American pioneer in photography, produced a daguerreotype of himself in 1839 which is also one of the first photographs of a person. Because the process was slow he was able to uncover the lens, run into shot for a minute or more, and then replace the lens cap. He recorded on the back The first light Picture ever taken. 1839. Early Edwardian woman taking her picture in a mirror roughly 1900 Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia taking one of the first teenage self-portraits The debut of the portable Kodak Brownie box camera in 1900 led to photographic self-portraiture becoming a more widespread technique. The method was usually by mirror and stabilizing the camera either on a nearby object or on a tripod while framing via a viewfinder at the top of the box. Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna at the age of 13 was one of the first teenagers to take her own picture using a mirror to send to a friend in 1914. In the letter that accompanied the photograph, she wrote, I took this picture of myself looking at the mirror. It was very hard as my hands were trembling. The concept of uploading group self-taken photographs (now known as super selfies) to the internet, although with a  disposable camera not a smartphone, dates to a webpage created by Australians in September 2001, including photos taken in the late 1990s (captured by the Internet Archive in April 20 04). The earliest usage of the word selfie can be traced as far back as 2002. It first appeared in an Australian internet forum (ABC Online) on 13 September 2002. Um, drunk at a mates 21st, I tripped ofer [sic] and landed lip first (with front teeth coming a very close second) on a set of steps. I had a hole about 1cm long right through my bottom lip. And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie. Popularity The term selfie was discussed by photographer Jim Krause in 2005, although photos in the selfie genre predate the widespread use of the term. In the early 2000s, before Facebook became the dominant online social network, self-taken photographs were particularly common on MySpace. However, writer Kate Losse recounts that between 2006 and 2009 (when Facebook became more popular than MySpace), the MySpace pic (typically an amateurish, flash-blinded self-portrait, often taken in front of a bathroom mirror) became an indication of bad taste for users of the newer Facebook social network. Early Facebook portraits, in contrast, were usually well-focused and more formal, taken by others from distance. In 2009 in the image hosting and video hosting website Flickr, Flickr users used selfies to describe seemingly endless self-portraits posted by teenage girls. According to Losse, improvements in design—especially the front-facing camera copied by the iPhone 4 (2010) from Korean and Japan ese mobile phones, mobile photo apps such as Instagram, and selfie sites such as ItisMee—led to the resurgence of selfies in the early 2010s.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Factors for the Development of Trigger Points

Factors for the Development of Trigger Points Introduction The primary mean of locomotion which enables human and other animals to move on their foot is running. There are some regular points the gait cycle during which both the feet are not on the ground in running. Running has aflightphase during which neither limb is in ground contact. Running gait can be divided into two phases in context to the lower extremity which is  absorption, propulsion, initial swing and terminal swing. As per electromyographic data suggests: as speed increases, ilio-psoas, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, hamstring and rectus femoris all developed larger peak forces throughout the stride cycle. The peak force exerted by gastrocnemius increases as speed increased from 3.5 to 7m/sec but showed no significant changes thereafter. The peak force exerted by soleus also increased from 3.5 to7m/sec, but furthermore t decreases till 9m/sec. soleus, gastrocnemius and vastus provides approximately 75% of the total vertical support impulse needs to accelerate where soleus alone contributes 50% of all. The vertical ground reaction force increases for speeds up to 7 m/sec is almost entirely of soleus whereas vastus to the vertical ground reaction force does not affect with increase in running speed. The rate of ankle plantar flexors shortening increases with the running speed and solus and gastrocnemius contracts at37% and 23% of their maximum shortening velocities a result, onl y 30 and 40% of their peak potentially developed by soleus and gastrocnemius respectively during sprinting.inspite of producing significant and large amount of forces whetreas they did not contribute in knee-hip joint accelerations during swing phase. if we compare sprinters with non sprinters;the previous one has greater thickness with longer fascicles of their gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis muscles on ultrasound imaging,than later one.(abe et al.,2001) The plantar flexion moment arms were 25% smaller of sprinters than those of non-sprinters and this difference was highly significant. garth and miller examined 17 athletes who presented for treatment of incapacitating pain and soreness located posteromedially along the middle two thirds of the Symptoms were aggravated by repetitive wt.bearing which was referred to as shin splints. Due to excessively pronation caused by hyper mobile midfoot flexible pes valgus, muscular imbalance etc, the flexor digitorumlongus and flexor hallucislongus can become overloaded and vulnerable to develop trigger points in these muscles. The lateral compartment syndrome is likely to develop in runners with excessive pronation and abnormally mobile subtalar joints can also be overloaded in high arched supinated foot with triceps surae weakness as well as can be suggestive of peroneus longus and brevis trigger points. Myofascial trigger points:-Travell and Simons defined it as a hyperirritable contraction knot usually present within muscles or its fascia which produces pain on compression and can give rise to specific referred pain ,motor dysfunction ,and autonomic phenomena in a specified referred zone which rarely coincides entirely with dermatomal segment. Trigger points are manually palpated with following characteristics including local twitch response, jump in sign, referred pain zones and autonomic phenomenal changes. As suggested by Travell and simons in 1999 in their trigger point manual book,the etiology of trigger points involves all three factors that includes biomechanical,CNS,and local myofascial tissues. As per microscopic and biopsy studies, which has been done of local myofascial tissue where there is presence of trigger points revealed and explained these contraction knots as round,large and,darkly staining fibers.presence of these knots causes significant increases in average diameter of muscles. spontaneous electrical activity (SEA) in TrPs have also seen and studied through electromyographic studies while adjacent muscle tissues were electrically silent which suggested and implicated neuromuscular junction and motor end plates interchangeable, nevertheless the motor end plates describes structure and the neuromuscular junction reflects function. Gunn and Milbrandt in 1977 was first explicated and find correlation between motor end plates and trigger points also known as myalgic spots . As stated by Travell and Simons in context to motor end plate dysfunction that due to  excessively release of Ach from presynaptic nerve terminal leads to rapid activation of the  nicotinic Ach receptors on the post synaptic terminal which results in muscle action potential and muscle contraction. Since this hypothesis of travell and simons was one way to interpret EMG results but EMG for post synaptic fibers ,there is increase in SEA in trigger points that could be a characteristics to the result of presynaptic,synaptic or post synaptic dysfunction and can be inherited or acquired. As a general rule, factors for the development of trigger points includes muscle overuse or direct/ indirect trauma which may be the results of sustained low level or repetitive muscle contractions,eccentric/concentric,submaximal/maximal muscle contractions. Although muscular damage is not necessary all the time for development of trigger points there may be injuries at the microlevel which includes damage of cell membrane ,sarcoplasmic reticulum with release of high amounts of ca2+ ions,and disruption of proteins like desmin,titin or dystrophin. Mechanical muscle contractions exceeding respective muscles capacity is defined as we know that arterial capillary beds blood pressures approx 35mm hg at the beginning and venous capillary beds pressure at the end is 15mm Hg which used to be obstructed during muscle contractions and recovers with relaxation;known as muscular pump. However,Muscular metabolism is maintained by oxygen and glucose which faces crisis during sustained muscle contractions.Even contractions performed at only 10 % and 25 % of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) may alter and produce impairment in blood circulation of muscles, As per Otten ;pain and trigger points may be developed by increased or alterations in the pressure gradients during low level exertions(personal communications 2005). During submaximal concentric contractions, ATP is utilized for 4-6 seconds initially from muscle’s storage and subsequentally it shifts to direct phosphorylation of ADP through creatinine phosphate. Stored ATP and CP provides enough energy and power for approx 14-16 sec but thereafter physiologically a short span of rest is needed to replenish the exhausted reserves of intracellular ATP and CP. As a general rule if ATP demands are within the capacity of the aerobic pathway muscles  can continue its activities for hours but as demand exceeds;anaerobic glycolysis will start contributing of the total generated ATP. This further leads to crisis of ATP and sustained sarcomere contractions starts the progression of trigger points. The Eccentric contractions are commonly used to control the rate of movement in our body. although there is no solid correlations between eccentric loading and development of trigger points. Itoh et al found in their study in which middle finger extensor muscle was being eccentrically loaded. After 3 sets of exercise ,one day and two days after exercises ,findings were similar encapsulating tender taut bands which were painful on compression;suggests that eccentric  loading may be correlated with development of trigger points. There are biopsy studies also who confirms and suggest the role of eccentric contractions in disruption of cytoskeletal structures especially desmin , and titin (largest in our body);a protein which interconnects the adjacent myofibrils and connects myosin filaments to the z-bands with a linkage to actin filaments ;respectively. Prolonged ecentric exercises enlarge the muscle fibers microscopically and all these enlarged fibers are exclusively fast glycolytic type(typeII) which considered as highly fatiguable and unable to regenerate ATP in early exercise period It results a high stiffness state of fibers which on stretch disrupts leading to cytoskeletal and myofibrillar damage. Apart from this in eccentric exercised muscles there is increase concentration of calcium due to sarcoplasmic reticulum disruption that keep actin and myosin molecules together an activates several mechanisms which may further damage cell membrane and cytoskeletal disruption and again the same results that is development of trigger points. Jump in sign is an response to pressure applied on a trigger point which may leads to wincing, crying, or withdrawing by patients. Local twitch response is a fleeting response or contraction of tense muscle fibers or group that traverse a trigger point on response to stimulation via snapping palpation or needling of trigger point or its surrounding area. Referred autonomic phenomena: vasoconstriction (blanching), coldness sweating, pilomotor response, ptosis, and/or, hyper secretion that occur in a same region or area where trigger points refers pain and its sensations. Referred pain zones: an area of pain which is entirely remote from its source. Generally  in case of trigger points ,specifically activated and central trigger points and sporadically  infrequently,conjoin entirely with the peripheral nerve distribution or dermatomal segments. The lower extremity functional scale (LEFS) is a functional status questionnaire that aims to investigate the degree of difficulty a patient experiences in performing everyday tasks, due to disorders of his/her lower extremity.The LEFS consists of twenty items, each of which is scored on a 5-point scale (0 to 4) (appendix 1). Beck depression inventory-ii is a depression measurement scale or an instrument to measure the emotional, motivational,somatic and cognitive symptoms observed in patients.this scale consist of 21 questions which is symptom related to quantify degree of depression in subjects usually it covers adolescents and adults and given in appendix 2. VAS is a psychometric response scale and a measurement instrument for subjective characteristics or attitudes that cannot be directly measured. Respondents specify their  level of agreement to a statement by indicating a position along a continuous line between  two end-points. Pressure algometer is force gauze with a rubber disk of 1 cm surface which is very helpful in clinical setup for diagnosing trigger points ,fibrositis,myalgic spots as well as it helps in quantification of pressure pain threshold and Pressure pain threshold for measurement of  normal and abnormal surfaces are given in appendix 3.